Sunday, February 26, 2012

Slow Week

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There hasn’t been much to post about the past few days.  We did manage to avoid the rain for the balance of the week.  Most days were sunny with warm temperatures.  Sally really enjoyed spending time soaking it up, along with her best friend.

My brother and I were able to make quite a bit of progress on the house we’re building.  We got it all framed up, along with all the truss’s up and in place by Thursday afternoon.  Pretty good for one old guy, and one a few years younger.  The last two years we had people stop by and ask if we could hire them for a few days or weeks.  Not so this year.  They have either found jobs, or don’t want one.
I just looked at the weather forecast.   Chance of rain for most of the week ahead.  Warmer temperatures have the hardwood trees beginning to bud out.  The blooms are also starting to show on the pines, and within a week I’m sure we will see the beginnings of the yellow fog.  At the least, if it rains, it will wash away most of the pine pollen. If it doesn’t, everything outdoors will be sporting a coating of yellow for days.
Anyway, just two more weeks and we’re on the road, again.  Can’t wait to get rolling.  There are folks to visit with that we haven’t seen in almost a year.  Looking forward to seeing them again, as well as some friends we haven’t even met, yet………jc

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More of the Same, Part 2 or 3 or?


Here it is, Saturday morning, and our third rain storm of the week.  There has been close to six inches of rain so far, for the week.  Another 2-5 inches possible with this storm.  I  really wish all of this was falling in Texas and Oklahoma, where it is needed.  Every lake, pond, swamp, whatever, is full to overflowing in our part of the World.

Sally doesn’t like it, either.  Over the past couple of years she has become frightened of thunder.  At the first distant roll, she begins to pace.  As it gets nearer, she’ll get on one lap or the other, then jump down and reverse the process.  If it gets really bad, she goes to the master bath and lays on the floor.  At the least, she has followed the instructions of all the talking weather heads.  She takes cover in a small, windowless room.

For the last two years we have considered doing the Southwest Desert area during the months of January and February. I think all this rain has convinced me that we will be making that journey next Winter.

Otherwise, not a lot of going on around home.  Was able to get in one day of house building for the week.  Friends just purchased a new travel trailer which we hoped to check out today, but think we’ll wait for better weather.  Looking forward to some great traveling adventures with them.

I hear more thunder. The satellite TV just went out. Sally’s headed for the bathroom.  Think I’ll just take another nap.......jc

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It’s Gone!!

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One of the best BBQ joints in the country went up in smoke early this past Sunday morning.  Appropriately named, it was more a shed than anything.  A couple of rooms constructed of plywood, pallets, and rough boards; held together with tin, tarpaper, and vinyl sheeting.  It was the kind of place where you couldn’t find a parking place nearby unless you came in the mid afternoon.

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The total interior was covered with one of everything imaginable.  There were thousands of dollars hanging from the ceiling and walls with all kinds of notes written on them.

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The owners say they will build back better than before but I don’t think they can.  They may cook the same BBQ, but there isn’t any way they can recreate to original building.  Just happy to say we were able to enjoy the old place before it was gone.  We will always remember our lunch with Judy there just a few weeks ago.

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Hopefully, we will get an opportunity to try out the new Shed before the end of the year.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A little drive South

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As the temperature hovered in the forties with a 20 MPH wind blowing from the North, Saturday wasn’t the best day to spend much time outside.  Wanda had gone to town early to help with the Upward Basketball league, and I was just hanging around the house, when a good friend called.  He asked if we would like to ride down to N’awlins  with him and his wife for lunch, and also a little shopping.  As Wanda was scheduled to finish at 10, we agreed to leave town around 11.

It was a beautiful day, other than the cold.  I forgot to take a camera of any kind. Took a few shots with my phone.

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We soon arrived in downtown New Orleans.

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Notice the guard rails?  We had forgotten that it was getting close to Mardi Gras weekend.  We soon found ourselves in bumper to bumper traffic along a parade route.

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Folks just beginning to come outside on the balconies and setting up along the street.  This wasn’t anywhere near the French Quarter, but more uptown.

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We eventually made our way to a parking garage and the restaurant where we had lunch.  A really nice place called Luke.  A little fancy for an old country boy, but I managed to find something to eat.  They had a part of the kitchen behind glass so you could see the chef’s working on the meals.

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Was able to get a shot of an appetizer, but didn’t manage to take time out for pictures when the main course’s arrived.  Too busy with shrimp’n grits, po’boys, breakfast plates, and a platter of hand made sausage links, to dig out a camera.

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After a fine meal, we made a couple other stops before leaving town.  At the Lakeside Mall, there was a display of some of the amazing costumes crafted by the Zulu krewe of Mardi Gras.  From what I understand, these costumes are all handmade by the members of the krewe.  Fascinating, to say the least.

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From there it was an hour’s drive back home.  It had been a great day trip.  Sometimes, it’s more fun to just “get up and go”;  rather than spending time planning a trip…….jc

Friday, February 10, 2012

Winters Back (with a vengeance)



All those pretty flowers I took pictures of Monday are now putting on their jackets.  I don’t think it’s going to do them much good, though.  The forecast low for tomorrow night is 21 degrees.  That will be the coldest night we have had all Winter.

There hasn’t been much exciting to report on around here this week.  My brother and I worked on our house building project Tuesday and Wednesday.  Roughed in plumbing on Tuesday and laid steel and wire in the forms on Wednesday.  Tough work for an old man.  We had the concrete poured yesterday and everything went well.  Ready to start on walls as soon as the rain stops again.

Speaking of rain, it woke me up around 3 this morning and has been falling all day.  After breakfast with friends in town, the balance of the day was spent doing a couple of honey-dos and surfing the net.  Caught up on blog reading, and ordered a couple of parts for the trailer.  Looked all around the Country for some sunshine, but pretty much came up empty handed.  The only sunshine I found was in Canyonlands and Yosemite.



That’s about all the news for now.  Everyone stay warm the next few days……..jc

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spring is Popping out all Over

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What’s that bright light in the pines?  Haven’t see anything like it for days.
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With the sunshine today, the first since last Monday, things are beginning to pop around the house.  First noticed the Jasmine blooming in a tree by the shop.
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Also on the fence around the yard.
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The azalea's are just beginning to put on a show out in the woodlot.
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Lots of blue and yellow blooms scattered around also.
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Finished the installation of the new glass on the Casita door.  Really like the way it turned out.  Hope it continues to look good.  First time I’ve tried anything like that.
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Hopefully, we will have a few days without rain.  Doing carpentry work the next few days.  Got to get that project done before June, or the brother will be working by himself…jc

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain!!!


Though I know many parts of the country are way behind on their share of rainfall. Southwest Mississippi has to be above average.  We were gone from home approximately 3 weeks and three different storms left behind over 7 inch’s.

We we awakened Wednesday morning around 3 AM to another pouring rain.  Over three and a half inch’s again yesterday.  The forecast is for more tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday.  The only positive is that we are sitting in our home rather than an RV.

Otherwise, not a lot happening.  Purchased a new grill (Cobb) to possibly take along on our travels rather than the small kettle grill.  Got a deal on Woot.  $59.99 + $5.00 shipping.  It cooks a little different than the regular grill, but I think we’re going to like it.  Did a couple of Salmon filet’s on it tonight and they turned out fine.

I did accomplish a couple of things , today.  Wanda has wanted a stained glass window for the Casita door for a while.  Well, that wasn’t going to happen, but we did find some nice window film in Florida last week.  Removed the door glass and  installed the film today.  Looks really good. Almost like the real thing.  Will post a picture when the weather improves.

Hoping to stay dry; and looking forward to sunshine…………..jc