Monday, October 29, 2012

Village Creek State Park


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We moved on to Village Creek State Park near Wynne, Arkansas on Wednesday of last week.  The plan was to get together with some old friends and spend three or four days just fun flying a couple of balloons.  Apparently, Mother Nature didn’t get the message.  Thursday morning dawned clear and warm.  The problem was the wind which was screaming at treetop level.  It only got harder as the day went on.  Not a day to fly a balloon.  It did make a good day for walks around the park to admire the Fall colors.

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Friday morning dawned cold and wet, with more wind than the day before.  The first real cold front of the season had come in like a freight train.  Temps in the eighties the day before and 42 degrees at noon on Friday.  It was a day to hit Wallyworld, Tractor Supply, the grocery store, and even a few junk shops. 

Saturday was a beautiful clear day, but the winds were still high, and the temperature was quite cool.  It was a day for football and corn hole games.

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The older crowd thought the fire was a nice place to hang out.

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All the jackets are a testament to how cool it was.

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Sunday was a carbon copy of Saturday.  No flying from Village Creek this year.  We can’t really complain, though.  We were due a bad weekend, as we had experienced some great weather the past few years.  The disappointment of not flying was tempered by all the fun and fellowship we experienced.  For some of us, this is the only time we see each other for a year at a time.  Just to spend time together sharing stories of the past years events was more than enough to make the trip worthwhile.  I’m sure we’ve all made our reservations for this time next year.Smile

Friday, October 26, 2012

Lake Chicot AR, State Park.


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Located on the shores of Lake Chicot, near Lake Village, AR; is Lake Chicot State Park.  Our destination after leaving Natchez on Monday morning.  It is a destination park, in that you have to be wanting to get there.  You won’t pass it on the way to anywhere else.  It has a great campground divided up into five different loops.  There are a total of 124 sites in six different campgrounds.  While we were there the total occupancy was approximately 15 RV’s.  Most of them in the lakeside sites.

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They had a bad thunderstorm come through the area last week and downed a number of trees, along with many limbs and such.  Luckily it happened while the campground was mostly empty and no one was injured.

Over half the trees in the park are Pecan.  Most are wild, and the ground was covered with small nuts which are delicious, but a real pain to crack and hull out.  We found a couple of trees with fairly large nuts and picked up enough for some great snacking the next few days.  Even toasted some with a dash of Tony’s this afternoon. Ummm.

Our site backed up right on the lake.  The new tow vehicle and Casita.

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we had two grand sunsets while we were there.

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Lots of old cypress trees and knees.  This one could have been here when Grant visited the area.

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We stumbled upon another little piece of American History.  Seems Mr. Lindbergh visited this area in his youth.

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They even placed a granite monument to honor the occasion.

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We have spent the last two days just chilling out.  Resting up from the weekend.  Even Sally was enjoying napping in her chair while I cooked a few chops on the grill.

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We’re just kicking back, watching the planes, wondering where they’re going.

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Wherever it may be, I’ll bet they aren’t having as good a time as we are.

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Life is still Good…Smile……jc

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saturday, Oct. 20


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The morning started kind of slow.  No one wanted to be the first in the air, but then it seemed everyone wanted to launch at the same time from the same site.

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The only target was in the rear of the local mall.  Three different ways to score on it. 

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It was organized chaos at the mall.

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One of our guys jockeying for position.

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Right over the target.

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Here comes our guy.

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Balloons everywhere.

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One got a little too close to the trees.  snagged a line and was anchored for a few minutes before pulling free.

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Overall, a great morning with lots of balloons in the sky.  Afterward there was a little first flight ceremony which everyone seemed to enjoy.

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A toast to a good day of fun for everyone.

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Sunday morning was too windy for flights.

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We watched most everyone depart the RV park and enjoyed a quiet evening over a bottle of wine.  We’re on to Lake Chicot State Park in Arkansas for a few days…..jc

Friday, Oct 19.


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We arrived in Natchez on Wednesday afternoon and spent That evening and all the next day just hanging out with old friends.

The carnival was setting up just down from a friends campsite, so it made for an entertaining morning Thursday.

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Friday morning found us up early for the first flight of the Great Mississippi River Balloon Races.  The winds weren’t exactly what we would loved to have, but the skies were pretty much filled with colors or many hues.  I had forgotten my camera in all the excitement and these shots were taken with my phone.

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Friday evening there was a balloon glow on the levee along the river.  Our spot was in the RV park.  Getting set up right before dark is always fun.

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The first time help always has questions.

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And the answers are given with a smile.  We all remember having those same questions and doubts.

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Soon it’s inflated and the ballet begins. Sixty five colorful fireflies twinkling in the evening darkness.

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More to come on Saturdays events….jc