Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spring is Sprung; or something like that!


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You know Spring is just days away in our part of the Country, due to a very unique occurrence.  It isn’t the first Crocus to bloom, or the Redbuds bursting to life, overnight.  Nothing so peaceful and calm.

It’s the first major tornado watch of the year.  That’s how we gauge Spring’s arrival.  Two weeks ago, we were thawing out from our third snow/ice event of the year.  Today it’s 85*, with lots of juicy humidity.  A nice little cold front is approaching at fifty miles per hour.  Where and when these two systems meet later this evening could bring some fireworks.  Hopefully it won’t be as bad as the talking heads on the television make it out to be. 

There are other signs scattered around the home place.  A few trees are showing buds.

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Daffodils and Crocus are peeking out of the cold ground, and beginning to bloom.  Sorry to say, I don’t know the difference between one and the other.

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The armadillo’s have started digging up the yard.

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And, the blueberry bush’s are about to burst out in bloom.

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All are signs that Old Man Winter is on his way out.  Not to say that he doesn’t have another blow or two, just that he’s going to lose out real soon, now.  Once the first blooms appear, it seems a rush by all to play catch up.  I predict that within two or three weeks we’ll be green all over.  Just in time for Green Eggs and Ham.