Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hanging out in Kansas


After spending Thursday night in Stillwater, Oklahoma, at a so called RV park, we arrived at Hillsboro Cove COE campground near Marion, Kansas on Friday.  A very large, scenic campground on the shores of Lake Marion.  Lots of reservation, as well as first come, sites.  We were looking for somewhere to ride out the Labor Day weekend and made a good choice.  Though there’s not a lot of activities nearby, as it’s mostly farm country,  there was one place nearby that I had to check out.

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The remains of a working ranch which ceased operation in the 1980’s, it is now a museum to ranching life in the Flint Hills, and the Tall Grass Prairie.  We ran into another historic figure entering the visitor center.  Seems they were having a birthday celebration for Smokey Bear.

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The grounds were dominated by this huge three story barn.

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The ground floor was dark and dimly lit, as you would expect the livestock area to be.

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The second floor was once a place for storing hay and other feeds, but was now the showplace for some local talented ladies.

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The house was closed for renovations, so didn’t get to visit it.  Just walked the grounds, enjoying the views and letting my imagination run back a hundred years or so, when this was a self sufficient ranch.

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Barbed wire.

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Stone outhouse.

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Main house.

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More on the area, next time…..jc

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Our Baby has no Shoes!


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We left home Monday morning around 11 AM.  Planned destination was one of Judy’s favorite stops along I-49. A passport America park in Ajax, Louisiana.  We made such good time through Natchez and Alexandria that we arrived there around 3 PM.  Temperature was 99*.  I asked Wanda to contact a friend of ours a few more hours up the road to see if she had a spot for us.  The answer was in the affirmative, so we continued on to near Quitman Texas.

We had an appointment at Little House Customs for a major mod on the Casita, so on Tuesday morning we arrived bright and early.  Our 2002 model had the standard axle with fourteen inch tires.  Nothing wrong with setup at all. The problem that has evolved the past twelve years is finding quality tires in that size.  I gave up on the standard trailer tires, and run European light truck tires.  They are the only tires available in the fourteen inch size, and load range “D”.  They are now becoming very hard to find as the demand for fourteen inch tires of any kind has diminished considerably.

I needed to move to fifteen inch tires which should not have been a problem, but Casita spotted the shell of our trailer just a bit too much toward the back of the frame.  Fifteen inch tires rubbed the inside of the wheel well when the suspension bottomed out.  The only option was to move the axle back.  So that’s what we were here for. 

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Rather than just move the old one, we had Larry install a new high-lift axle.  Plenty of room now for those fifteen, or even sixteen inch tires.  While Larry was so hard at work, he had Barney entertaining the company.

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The job is all finished, now.  We are back at our friends home.

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One of the many wonderful sites, provided by our wonderful friends.

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Pulling out sometime tomorrow, heading North!…..jc

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ready to Roll


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All loaded and ready.  Pulling out sometime tomorrow.  Wanda has a haircut appointment and I have a few errands to run.  Then it’s “rolling”.

First destination is Little House Customs for a couple of things I’ve wanted to get changed.  Always enjoy the company of Larry and Debbie, so we’re looking forward to visiting with them each evening after Larry quits work for the day. 

From there, we don’t know where we’ll spend the Labor Day weekend.  Somewhere in Oklahoma or Kansas, as we are heading for the Kansas Gathering.  It takes place on Milford lake, near Junction City, KS.  From there, who knows?

The following two pictures and information is for a friend.  Three Mile campground is located three miles from the East gate of Yellowstone.  One of at least three NFS campgrounds along the Shoshone River, and off the North Fork Highway.

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Lots of riverside sites on two loops.

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A host was onsite, so you feel safe leaving the trailer while gone for the day.  It’s also close to Pahaska Tepee where you can find coffee, food, fuel and I think, wifi.  Just typing this information puts a real longing to head that direction from Kansas, but I don’t think the co-pilot would go for it.

Anyway, we will be somewhere on the road.  That’s what matters to me.  Stay tuned for more frequent posts in the near future.Smile

Sunday, August 10, 2014

We’re still around.



It’s been over four weeks since I posted to this blog.  July 12th was the last post.  That’s the longest period of time without a post since I started blogging.  A good indication that nothing much of interest is going on. 

it’s just business as usual.  Summertime in the South.  Grass cutting, a little gardening, and visiting with friends and family.  Get out and get it done early in the day, chill out in the air conditioning till late afternoon, and then resume whatever you were doing.  Lots of time for reading, and clicking channels.

We do have a couple of things on the radar.  Hopefully, the egg will be rolling again by the end of the month.  In the meantime, I’ll just continue reading about all the fun the rest of you are having…jc