Monday, October 16, 2017

An Alabama Ghost Town

I know it’s hard to believe.  Another post, already.

We decided that it was time we hit the road for a bit. We’re still adjusting to the new Casita.  Just as we were leaving home on Sunday morning we received a call that my brother in law was admitted to the hospital.  Not wanting to get too far from home, we made our first stop Service CoE campground on the Tenn-Tom Waterway.  We’ve stopped here numerous times before, and always enjoy the peace and quiet, as well as watching the towboats out our door.

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Wanda had no idea what was lurking behind her.  We call them Wolf Spiders.  They always show up in the Fall.

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It was hot and humid when we arrived, but as darkness fell, the cool front could be spotted upriver.

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The rains came overnight and we awoke to clearing skies and cool temperatures.  Made one change from shorts and tee shirt to jeans and long sleeves. Beautiful.

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As we have traveled this route often, I was always puzzled by a sign on the highway pointing to Blandon Springs.  Since we were to be here for a couple of days, we decided this would be a good time to find out more.

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It was once an Alabama State Park, but has been handed over to local operation by the County.  We found the springs, of which five are still visable, to be quite interesting.  They  have been capped, but each is equipped with a hand pump which still delivers an evil smelling water.  Reminded me of Yellowstone.

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There’s not much left of Bladon Springs.  The cemetery, and this beautiful little “no name” church about a quarter mile apart.

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And every community had a crossroads merchantile.  Which would probably tell some wonderful stories if it could only speak.

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That’s all…..jc