Thursday, November 21, 2019

It's Been a Long Time

Three and a half months, to be exact.  Since I'm sitting at home, chair bound, with a pinched nerve in my back telling my brain someone is sawing off my left knee with a dull saw; I thought I would catch you up on our paste few months.  

                                It's pretty boring stuff from Sally's point of view.

                               Soon after returning home we met some friends in Louisiana for a reunion lunch.

              Our daughter and son-in-law purchased a camp on a bayou in Louisiana.

 She loves her dogs, fish's with them every day.


  I just spent my time enjoying the deck over the Labor Day weekend.

We were on our way to Mountain View, Arkansas to meet some friends.  Stopped along the Arkansas River one night.

We had a good few days enjoying great acoustic music around the square, and carrying on some foolishness.

While on the road we got word that one of my brother-in-laws had passed away so we came home to be with all our family.

A week or so later, we dog set for our kids while they were away for the weekend.  A day in the country is tough on city dogs.

We traveled to Natchez to see the balloons.  Didn't plan on getting involved again, but we did.
Loved every minute of it.

                                                     First flight celebration and initiation,

                                              and a wonderful end of a wonderful day.

We left Natchez for Huntsville, Alabama; and Monte Sano state park to meet with friends for a week.  There were about 13 trailers there, and we had a good time reconnecting with folks we hadn't seen much over the past year.  We spent a lot of time shopping and eating out.  Funny thing is, the only picture I took all week was of a half empty beer glass.  Guess you know what my priorities were.

The last three days there were stormy.  The same storm that wrecked so much havoc from Tennessee northward.  Thankfully we had only high winds and rain.  No damage in the park.

                                                                  Rainy days blues.

                             Back home, my brother and I build a couple of portable buildings.

We took a drive one day looking for some leaf color, but the only color we found was at Mississippi's version of  Bryce Canyon.  It's call Red Canyon.

And this one had another birthday last week.  We drove to Hattiesburg for lunch at one of her favorite restaurants.

I think that's all the boring details of our last few months.  Now, if I can get over this pinched nerve, we can start planning for January....jc
OBTW. Did I tell you I hate the Blogger format.  No matter how I lay it out, it never posts it like I want.  End of gripe...jc