Saturday, December 15, 2012

Country Christmas Parade

I received a call the other day wanting to know what had happened to the blog posts.  My answer was that we lead a pretty uneventful life while at home.  Our home is surrounded by trees, so there are no dramatic sunsets to photograph.  I’ve posted all about my neighbors farm, both old and new.  I haven’t been involved in any projects to speak of, so there just hasn’t been anything to blog about.  I can’t imagine anyone would be interested in our day to day life here at home.
All the towns around where we live had their Christmas parades the first of the month.  Nothing much exciting about them as they have evolved into loud bands playing everything but Christmas music, and people, old and young, fighting over candy thrown from the floats.  Today was a little different.

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A rural community just a few miles from us has a parade each year.  It’s out in the country.  Organized by a local church, it has become a fun event.  Nothing but fields and pastures along the route.

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Little ones awaiting the arrival of Santa Clause.

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Soon it’s under way with bikes and trikes.

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Old rusty jeeps and new ORV’s.

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Classic cars and new wheels.

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The Exchange Club was passing out American flags, as usual.

Santa finally arrives in his red chariot.

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Followed by a wagon train full of elves, accompanied by lots of cowboys and cowgirls.

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Ride finished, a family watches the remaining parade.

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The eyes of a child at Christmas.

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Looking at the photo above, I can’t help but be drawn to tears.  Thinking about those children that lost their lives yesterday morning, and what their parents must be going through at the present time.  The Christmas season will never be joyful for them, ever again.  Please remember them in your prayers for days to come………jc

1 comment:

  1. Those same exact thoughts you expressed in your last paragraph have been my thoughts--my heart hurts for those parents.


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