"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime"-MARK TWAIN

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Driving South.


We got away from home around eight this morning.  An uneventful drive through Hattiesburg, Mobile, and Pensacola, to Fort Pickens National Park out on Santa Rosa Island.  An uneventful trip except for some tornado damage just outside Mobile that delayed us for a few minutes.  Had everything set up in the campground by 3 PM.

Pretty cool with temps around 50 and a brisk North wind.  Met a couple of friends that were already here, but no one wanted to sit outside and visit.  Wanda and Sally held down the fort while I decided to brave the wind and take a walk on the beach.  One thing for sure, there were no crowds to avoid.


The sun was shaded by thin clouds which only added to the chill.

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A few unusual things washed up on the beach.  Wonder where this guy came from?

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The clouds did make for a beautiful sunset.


Looking the other direction.


Another dunes shot and a few hurricane relics from the campground.


It’s supposed to be 32 degrees tomorrow morning, but things are toasty in the Casita.  We’ll see what tomorrow, holds………..jc


  1. Gorgeous sunset photos Jerry! Nippy over here in Aransas Pass too!

  2. Beautiful sunset pictures! We visited Ft. Pickens in November. Have fun!

  3. You just keep out doing yourself with those sunset photo's...should do a calendar!!! I do like the pine cone on the beach ...great composition....glad you made it down there...it looked like some bad weather came through your Homestead.....Safe Journey...Horst

  4. Loved the pictures, especially the white sand around the pine cone!

    At least it's not snowing! We saw our first snow showers today.

  5. Really great pictures. Hope you stay warm.

  6. Brrrrr! But your ocean and sky shots are gorgeous!

    Hope the wind dies down so you can enjoy a camp fire.

  7. Those sunset photos were worth the chilly walk!


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