Friday, December 21, 2012

Stand by for Breaking News


If my calculations were correct, the Winter Solstice for our part of the world happened at 6:12 AM this morning.  There have been many articles printed, and stories on television and the web, about the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of the world.  We put the information in the file for kooks and hoax’s.  My favorite cartoonist, Jimmy Johnson, the creator of Arlo & Janis, did an entire series of strips on the subject last week.



The days arrival does bring to mind the guy we met in Arkansas last year.  If you weren’t a follower back in September of 2011, you may want to go and read my post from that day.  I understand the highlighted text didn’t show up well in Google Reader, so you may have to read it on Blogger.

I’m sure that shortly after the first of the year, there will be big news out of Little Rock.  Scientist’s will announce finding evidence of the missing link that has eluded them for centuries.  Hidden in the wilds of Arkansas.  As I mentioned then, you meet all kinds of “interesting” people on the road.

The cold front blew its way through our part of the Country around 5 yesterday morning and the sun was out again by 9 or so.  Temperatures fell throughout the day and strong winds brought down more leaves, dead limbs, and pine straw.

It didn’t make the predicted 28 degrees this morning. Only 34, and the sun is shining again with a high forecast for the mid fifties. I think I’ll do a little loading of the Casita and truck later today.  Only five more days until the egg is rolling, again.  Looking forward to getting together with some folks at Fort Pickens, a part of Gulf Islands National Seashore, for a week or so of fun and fellowship.

We had friends over early for a pancake breakfast, and really enjoyed visiting with them. It seems more difficult to find time to visit during this period of the year.

For those hitting the road in the next few days, Safe travels, and Merry ChristmasSmile…..jc


  1. My best wishes for you - and safe ones - for this Season. Have a good time with your friends at Ft Pickens.

  2. Enjoyed your post....have a safe trip.....I need to look up Ft. Pickens...never been there...Horst

  3. So did you go back and fill up your pockets with the gold before he got it all? :D

    I've seen articles about Bigfoot's DNA. Presented as scientific news! So I'll be watching for that big breakthrough out of Arkansas. HaHa! (Journalism isn't what it used to be, is it?)

    Hope you have a wonderful time in Ft. Pickens! Wishing you sunny skies and balmy weather. And looking forward to pictures.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and Wanda!

    Wishing you a safe journey and see you 12/ 16!


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.