Sunday, February 3, 2013

Road trip to Bisbee via Tombstone

Saturday, February 2

We decided to take the drive to Bisbee today.  Have been told it was a unique town worth seeing.  As Tombstone was on the way, we stopped there for a short time.


Not much there to attract our attention except the courthouse museum.  Tombstone got its beginning in 1877 when silver was discovered in the area.  By 1881 the population had grown to near 10,000.  By 1886 the boom was over, but approximately 37 million dollars worth of silver had been mined in that period of time.  The courthouse was built in 1882.

Filled with artifacts from the heyday of Tombstone, along with actual records of many of the happenings of Cochise County.

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Of course, there was mention of the Earp’s and Doc Holliday.

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Shootout at the O K Corral in eight pictures.


Justice was administered, legal or not.  Notice the coroner’s cause of death.


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Invitation to an official hanging.

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The end of the line for some.

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Other miscellaneous pictures from inside the courthouse.

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A great old building with squeaky floor boards.  Filled with the artifacts which tell the true history of Tombstone. 

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On to Bisbee in the next post….jc


  1. Invitation to a hanging, and the cause of death emphysema caused by strangulation self inflicted or otherwise.

    That is a glimpse into a wild, different world... and a doctor who was must have been covering his posterior? :D

  2. We have good RVing friends who now live full time in Tombstome--a few streets from the courthouse--they liked it so much when they stayed in a RV park there for several winters--that's where they landed when giving up their RV.


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.