Thursday, February 7, 2013


we moved on to the Tucson area for a couple of days.  Lots to see and do there but we didn’t make our way around to much.  The Gem and Mineral show, billed the largest in the World, was going on and so we headed for the hills.  First stop was the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

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Quite a place.

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Filled with all kinds of animals in as close to their natural environment as possible.  There were mountain lions, napping.

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Mexican wolves pacing their quarters,  Finally got a picture of both standing still for a moment.  Beautiful animals.

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And Lynx.

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Lots of these guys, too.

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There was an aviary with over 40 local species represented.  I took pictures of a couple of unusual ones.

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Who would think there would be an aquarium in the desert of Arizona.  Seahorses and eels.

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From the museum, we traveled on the Western unit of Saguaro National Park.  I love these guys.

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Home to many varieties of critters.

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Also home to some unique rock art from hundreds of years ago.  They aren’t sure who did it, or what it means, but was an unusual find for the day.

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From there, we headed on back to the rv park.  We later made a trip to the grocery store for a weeks supplies.  Heading for the Quartzite area to meet up with other FGRV owners for a few days.  Stay tuned…..jc


  1. Beautiful photos, as always! The aquariaum does seem out of place, but fascinating!

    Hope you have a great time in Quartzsite.

  2. Great pictures, we enjoyed the museum. Great country except for the snakes:(

  3. I'm hoping to visit the desert museum again next winter. I've been there several times and never cease to enjoy it.

  4. Cool! I was fascinated with the sea horses and garden eels too. Odd to see such interesting marine animals in the desert!


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