Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Just a short Catch-up

The last time I posted we were spending a day or two on the Tennessee-Tombigbee waterway.  We were on our way East to Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.  It was a relaxing trip with few pictures taken. 

On the way we stopped in Plains, GA to visit a Presidential museum.  Do you remember him?


We made our way on to Charleston, checked into a RV park, and went in search of something we hadn’t had in 46 years.  The last time being when we lived in the Charleston area while I was in the Navy.


She Crab Soup.  A Charleston/Low Country tradition.  No, I don’t know the difference between she crab and he crab.


We spent four days in the Charleston area, looking for old haunts, trying to find our old home location, visiting the weapons station where I was stationed.  To say things had changed would be an awesome understatement.  Charleston was once a military town, but it’s now all about tourism.  And, they have capitalized it to the max.  We had a wonderful time, there.

From Charleston, we moved down the coast a hundred miles or so to Savannah, GA.  We were meeting a few friends at Skidaway Island state park which was located just a few miles from downtown.  We toured the town which was beautiful, but seemed we spent most of our time eating.  While on the riverfront, Yelp, the restaurant finding app, said there were 102 restaurants within one half mile of where we were standing.  Hard to imagine, but all one had to do was look around. Restaurants, everywhere.  Many even catered to pets dining underneath the tables, while their owners dined above.


We stood in line beginning at 10 AM, to get into Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House when it opened at !!.  Four meats, and twenty two bowls of side dish’s on every table.  Quite the experience.


I found some interesting brews in the corner pubs.


We cooked up our customary pancake breakfast for the friends at the campground.


And, I had to try a Low Country Boil.


It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great.  If these folks ever discover Zataran’s and Tony Chachere’s, there world will be changed for the better.

That’s it.  All cell phone phone pictures.  I’m getting lazy….jc


  1. We visited Plains and it was just like I thought it would be:)

  2. Sounds great to me!!! Been a long time since I enjoyed a low country boil!

  3. What a terrific trip...I have not had She Crab Soup...at least that I remember. :)) Charleston is a Tourist Town...but there are some old haunts that only the locals know and go to...at least that's what the Daughter keeps telling me. Looks like fun was had by all..maybe one day I can enjoy one of your "pancake Breakfasts" :))...safe Travels my Friend..Horst sends

  4. What an awesome trip you have going. Yes, Charleston is very commercial, and you could eat your way through it. I have cooked low country boil a few times but nowhere like the Charleston area. Glad you are having a good trip. Safe travels.


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