Sunday, December 27, 2020

It's Almost Gone!!

2020, that is. Thankfully, the year, with all its headaches, will be history in just a few more days.  In all my years, I remember nothing to compare it to.  The Kennedy assassination, the civil rights and vietnam war demonstrations, the gasoline shortage,  9-11; nothing compares to what our Country has experienced in 2020.


 It was a year full of promise as far as travels were concerned.  There were trips after trips planned from January till October.  A herniated disc put the Arizona trip of January and February in the can.  We did attend a small gathering in Alabama the third week of March. Life was getting better.  Word was of some virus from China making its appearance in the USA. 

Just a few weeks later the Country is in lock-down.  Shortages of basic items, and threats of more.  Reservations cancelled as I prepared a garden.  At least we'll have something to eat.

We ran away from home the month of August, and once again in October.  Social distancing was actually easier on the road than at home.  Since October, we've been close to home, visiting only with family and our close neighbor.

Now that 2021 is just a few days away, we are planning to start it off on the right track.  I received word there aren't many folks hanging out in the Southwest this Winter.   Social distancing shouldn't be a problem.  

 As the sun sets on 2020,  may the year 2021 be the light at the end of the tunnel for everyone. 



  1. I still remember getting the polio vaccine via a spoon in school. I have several friends who are a few years older and ended up with polio. I am looking forward to the vacine for this virus too!

  2. I will be rolling before Jan 21, 2021 to the Rio Grande River to see how things work out for the next chance to roll on northward. Things will be "interesting " again I am afraid.

  3. Hope 2021 finds you traveling a lot. Our area of the southwest isn't busy--no Canadians but I hear the state parks such as McDowell up near Phoenix are full. And yes, we too are looking forward to 2021 and that vaccine!

  4. Wishing everyone a Safe, Healthy and Happy New year that will make us all forget this one.

    It's about time.

  5. Love, love, love your "light at the end of the tunnel" picture - so apropos, Yes, let's hope the lemons we got this year makes some damn good lemonade next year!

  6. What a terrific set of photo's to depict the closing of 2020...especially the tunnel, is that a road close to your home? Glad to see you getting out in January..I'm trying to get to East Texas, in a couple weeks, maybe Sandy Creek, weather permitting.

    Take care of yourselves, enjoyed seeing you post again! Safe Journey and Happy adventures in 2021 my Friend. Horst sends

  7. Yes, the tunnel, what a great shot. Glad you three are safe and well. My Casita wheels have not moved in over a year, ARGH! Hopefully we can return to normal this Spring. Had both shots as well, so raring to go. Early hot here, Spring with a bang.
    Cheers, Ed


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