Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Still in Texas

But the scenery is changing.

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After posting last evening, I realized that Las Cruces was just to far to try and make in one day.  We got back on the road around 8 AM and put in another 400+ miles.  Not much to see along the way but cactus and sagebrush.  It did appear that anyone looking for a job could find one in Midland or Odessa.  The oil business seems to be very alive and well there. 

Landed in Van Horn, TX around 4 PM.  Cold and windy.  Low forecast for tonight of 29 degrees.  We found a nice rv park that had just reopened and have all the amenities.  I can’t say that there is much to see in Van Horn, but we did have a great meal at a local Mexican café.  It was actually recommended by friends from home that travel this way a few times a year. 

We plan to make it to Kartchner Caverns state park near Benson tomorrow for three nights.  Using it for a base to visit around SE Arizona.  Looking forward to being able to stay in one place for a few days.

The pictures are of the desert mountains behind the campground. Almost missed the sun setting on them.

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On to Arizona, tomorrow….jc


  1. If you get a chance, spend some time in Bisbee while you're in SE Arizona

  2. You will enjoy Kartchner Caverns--have you been there before? If not take the cave tour, it is well worth the money!

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  4. Was it Chuy's? That's the only good thing I've ever heard about Van Horn.


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