Friday, February 1, 2013

Arizona, at Last

Thursday, January 31

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Kartchner Caverns State Park.  Another 400+ miles today, but we are here for a while.  Beautiful campsite overlooking the distance mountains to the East.

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Arrived in time for Sally and I to get a short hike in.

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She met her first cactus.

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And had a really great time visiting with it.

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Our neighbors are in this vintage Mack truck.

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Hope to get a chance to talk with them about it.

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That’s it for today…..jc


  1. Glad you two made it safe and sound. Hope you didn't have to pick out too many cactus stickers from Sally

  2. What a beautiful B model Mack. You pick classy neighbors!

  3. Welcome to Arizona...looks like you have a great site. Enjoy!

  4. Somehow I've missed Kartchner Caverns in my travels. I'll be interested to read your posts about it. :)

  5. Watch out for the cholla cactus. I had several encounters with them last year and always lost. Had to pull tiny stickers out and it was bloody.

    So glad you are there and hope it's all fun!

  6. That's an interesting rig there next to you.

  7. Ooooh. I heard great things about that park when I was in AZ. I saw a Casita on I-10 West 2 days ago and whipped my head around, wondered if it was you. But then I realized you couldn't have made it that far that fast.

    Watch out for rattlers! I was blasé about them until I attended a rattlesnake demonstration by one of the naturalists at the Desert Museum in Tucson. The scariest part is the 20-dose anti-venom treatment costs around $150,000. Yikes!

    Glad you made it to AZ!


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