Saturday, February 16, 2013

Death Valley


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We made the drive from Kelso on into Death Valley NP in one day.  Not a lot to see along the way but desert, desert mountains, and vast areas of nothingness.

I don’t know how I feel about Death Valley.  It’s not quite what I expected, but I don’t really know what that was, anyway.  Does that make sense?

Awesome in size!

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Impossible to photograph, always in shadow or bright light.

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Still some old borax mine machinery around, as well as the famous 20 mule team wagons.

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Uh-Huh, that’s what it was at the pump in Furnace Creek.  Notice anything unusual about the prices?

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More on the area,

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next time……jc


  1. I think Death Valley might be a place I prefer to see your photos of than visit myself. :)

    Those prices are mind boggling. I thought our $3.55 was highway robbery! What's the reason regular gasoline is higher than the higher grades and diesel? I'm also assuming it's all ethanol free (with a little liquid gold thrown in) at those prices! :)

  2. Looks like a good excuse to run premium if you have to buy fuel!

  3. Loved your photos, especially the last one, the wagon carts and the one with the shadow.
    Looks like you are seeing a lot of the west!


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.