Monday, February 18, 2013

Scottie’s Castle

In the Northern end of Death Valley there is a group of structures known as Scotties Castle.  A spring flowing out of the desert hills defined its location.

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Rear view.

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It is an unbelievable place to find in Death Valley. 

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Filled with the furnishings and belongings of those that lived here from the late 1930’s until the 1950’s, or so.

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Hand painted lambskin drapes.

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Furnishings from around the world.

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Guest accommodations that could not be beat for hundreds of miles, around.

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Awesome woodwork, hand carved from California redwood.

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Unique furniture was scattered around.

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Unfinished pools outside the front entrance.  Shallow and deep, both very large.

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Power room, located in the castle like building, that generated the electricity for the entire estate.

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The front entrance.

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Other miscellaneous pictures.

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Oh, I almost forgot a picture of the  docent that led our tour.  A NPS employee dressed in period costume of the 1930’s.  She did an awesome job of telling all the history of Scottie’s Castle from beginning to end.

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And another thing.  Scottie didn’t build the castle, nor did he live there.

The real builder, and Scottie.  Can you figure out who’s, who?


It was all a big tall tale, told by one of the best flim-flam artists of the twentieth century. Once a member of of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, he learned self promotion from the best.  He coned money from many different people through the years, ostensibly as partners in his non-existent gold mine.  And, he got this fabulous estate named after himself.   For more information just Google “Death Valley Scottie”.  The man died in 1954 and is buried on the hill behind the castle.  He was quite a character.


The best thing we found in Death Valley.  We loved the house and the story.  If ever in the area, don’t miss it.  In my opinion, it beats the Vanderbilt mansion in Asheville, NC, hands down…….jc


  1. I remember seeing the Castle, in the 50's, while in my "youth" and am so glad that it has been preserved. One place that just utterly amazed me as a kid. I had forgotten the story behind DV Scottie.

  2. Oooh - an NPS site! Gotta put it on my list!

  3. Another one of your amazing finds!

  4. An amazing place. Would love to see it in person some day.


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.