Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bird Calls


We took a few days off from the house building.  There’s still grass to be cut at home, weed eating, and other miscellaneous duties that need to be taken care of.  We’re also still fighting the War of the Grapes with the local wildlife.  Seems they are becoming accustomed to the scarecrow, and public radio.  I moved up to the live trap, baited with a little cat food and tuna fish.  So far I’ve relocated two opossums and one raccoon.  I haven’t caught anything the past few days, but the grapes continue to disappear.  I’m not sure what the next step should be.

Yesterday afternoon as Wanda and I sat on the porch, enjoying our medicinal wine, we heard a bird continuously calling.  Wanda asked me what I thought it was, and I said I wasn’t sure.  Thought it might be a young hawk of some kind.

This morning, as we poured our morning coffee, this guy/gal was sitting right outside the kitchen window.


As I mowed yesterday, I moved the lawn chairs up under a couple of pine trees to get them out of the way.  They made a great perch to wait on mom or pop.


I kept shooting pictures through the not so clean kitchen window, hoping mom or dad would show up with a treat.



They never showed up, so after five minutes or so, it flew off into the woods.


I don’t have a clue as to what the name of the hawk is.  I’m hoping Judy reads this as I’m sure she will identify it within two seconds.  We never know what kind of birds or animals will show up in our neighborhood.


From deer, wild hogs, coyote's. or birds of prey.  Living in the country is interesting, to say the least…..jc


  1. I'm thinking that's a young Cooper's hawk. It's an accipiter...broad wings, and long tail. It feeds on small birds mostly. The long tail helps it maneuver through the trees while hunting. Next year, its back will be slate grey, the stripes on its breast will be horizontal and rusty colored rather than vertical and brown, and its eye will slowly turn a deep shade of red. :) Nice pics!

  2. Wow! As Judy would say "Cool beans"!

  3. Judy is just awesome!!
    Great pics Jerry!! I would imagine living in the country brings many neat animals into view! We have a woodsy backyard but alas it is still in the city so we don't get that many animals but have had many variety of birds. We love feeding/watching the birds that visit our feeders. I guess we'll have to go camping to find those hawks!! :-)

  4. Judy is just awesome!!
    Great pics Jerry!! I would imagine living in the country brings many neat animals into view! We have a woodsy backyard but alas it is still in the city so we don't get that many animals but have had many variety of birds. We love feeding/watching the birds that visit our feeders. I guess we'll have to go camping to find those hawks!! :-)

  5. Great bird shots. I meant to ask this the other day, are you building the house with your brother and is this another one for sale?

  6. What a super photo op!!!...the 2nd and 3rd ones are great composition...I feel like I'm right there...thanks for sharing.....Horst sends

  7. I've caught a squirrel in our fig tree munching away. Wonder if they like grapes, too?

    Your bird photos are majestic. And they perfectly capture, "Hey, when are you going to bring me food?"

  8. What a gift to have a visit from such a majestic bird! Wonder how far away the parents were?

    They had probably decided that it was high time for him to be on his own!

    See you soon?


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.