Saturday, August 31, 2013

Busy, Busy!!


Our plans were for you to be reading a post from somewhere between Mississippi and Kansas this weekend.  We’ve had reservations for months at a COE campground near Junction City, KS.  Looking forward to meeting up with many old and new friends of the Casita community at the Kansas Gathering.  A week of fun and fellowship, intermingled with lots of food and drink.  It just wasn’t meant to be.

We did manage a day trip to Natchez last Sunday for the grand daughters birthday.  Had a great Sunday brunch at one of the old antebellum homes.

On Tuesday my brother and I started back on our little house.  This is how it looked that morning.

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We finished our fascia’s and soffit, and by lunch Wednesday, it looked like this.

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We installed the windows and the exterior trim on them, as well as the corners.

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Installed the rear door, along with placing siding on most of the rear so we could mount the electric meter box.

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We also started on the interior wiring.

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And stripped the ceiling to support the insulation which will go in the attic, and make hanging the sheetrock much easier.

IMG_2361 (Medium)

We had a third set of hands from Wednesday on.  A cousin that works offshore, 14 days on and 14 off, helps us when he is in.  I sure was glad to see him drive up.

IMG_2363 (Medium)

Hoping everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  I always look forward to Labor Day as it means that Fall can’t be far off.  That’s my favorite time of year…….jc


  1. Oh no you guys. The folks are going to miss you three. Tell you what, we will definitely make plans to be there next year - how's that? Maybe we'll run into each other in the spring.

    1. I really hope so, Emily. On both accounts:-)

  2. Sorry that you're going to miss the Kansas Gathering. Your house project is looking great!

  3. I know you are disappointed in missing the Kansas Gathering but you guys have really made progress on the house!!! It is really looking great!!
    We are looking forward to fall as well. Wonderful time of the year...our favorite as well.

  4. I love the siding color you chose. There is one house like that in Live Oak, FL that was a real eyesore until the owners repainted it blue with white trim. Now it looks like a little doll house.

    You do beautiful work.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Don't think I'd call it beautiful, though. The color you see is just the primer on the Hardy Plank we use for siding. It usually comes either grey or yellow. We actually plan the paint the house a light blue with white trim.:-)

  5. My favorite time of the year, too! 42 degrees at our house this morning, fall may be just around the corner out here!

  6. House is looking good...I wish it would start cooling down here...101 in the shade...BYW are you Guys thinking about Alaska next year???...Have a GREAT Labor Day...Horst sends

    1. Alaska? Yep, doing a lot of pondering over it. Hope to make it work..

  7. Beautiful house.... looks like it's built to last a hundred years!

    Let me know if we can help any with your travel plans. We did very little planning...just had the info from duke and beverly, vicki and marv and, of course, John's trail breaking assistance.
    I did not know if we could get away until it actually happened.


  8. BRAVO THE HOUSE LOOKS GREAT !!!! The last house I saw go up my dear Dad built ..... One of several through the years .... You have brought back some wonderful memories ......

  9. The house is coming along nicely. It reminds me of a shotgun house. I can't wait to see the finish product.

    Happy Labor Day!


Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome.