We’ve been home for most of the last two months. Had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends. I’ve spent quite a bit of time reading blogs, worrying with Live Writer, and trying to pick our next destination.
With all the weather events the past few weeks, it isn’t an easy decision. Record high temperatures in the South, record cold in Arizona, tornados, floods, ice, snow, what have you.
Originally the plan was Arizona, again. We have a number of friends making their first visit to Quartzite this year, and we would love to be there to greet them. It may still happen if things warm up a bit out there.
Another option is Florida. Some friends are spending a few weeks in the Ocala area. The only thing wrong with that is much the same as Arizona. Only hot and humid rather that cold and windy.
We still have a few days before making a decision. Leaving tomorrow to join a few friends in Louisiana. Big plans for New Years!! …..jc